Item Archive: Shieko Reto
All items pertaining to Shieko Reto
PRESS: YLE (Finnish State Broadcaster) Interview with AR-Safe Haven Helsinki artist Shieko Reto
Source: Kun oma maa ei anna turvaa – Suomenlinnan ainutlaatuinen taiteilijaresidenssi suo vainotuille hetken hengähdystauon Ratsiat ja vaino kotimaassa toivat malesialaisen transsukupuolisen kuvataiteilijan Helsinkiin. Shieko Reto pääsi Suomenlinnan turvaresidenssiin tammikuussa. 3.2.2017 klo 13:17päivitetty 3.2.2017 klo 15:20 Shieko Reto on … Continue reading
Posted in Artists at Risk (AR), News, Press
Tagged artists at risk, perpetuum mobile, Safe Haven Helsinki, Shieko Reto, Shika
PLURIversity: “Gender: Human” by Shieko Reto at the Nordic Culture Point

A learning-by-doing platform which brings together a plurality of individuals, cultures and traditions, the PLURIversity cross-seeds artistic, P2P and social imaginaries to develop new pedagogies, skills and solutions for a diverse, pluricultural future. Forming a part of the faculty of … Continue reading
Posted in Artists at Risk (AR), News, Pluriversity, Publications
Tagged AR, artist, artists at risk, exhibition, perpetuum mobile, pluriculturalism, pluriversity, Shieko Reto, Shika, talk