Item Archive: freedom of expression
All items pertaining to freedom of expression
URGENT UPDATE: Galal El-Behairy to be sentenced in Military Court, May 9.

Read the Artists at Risk (AR) International Appeal to #FreeGalal With no forewarning, the Egyptian Military Court let it be known that Galal El-Behairywill be sentenced on May 9. This may be more threatening to his life and well-being than … Continue reading
Sign the INTERNATIONAL APPEAL against Torture, Beatings and Prison for Galal El-Behairy re Ramy Essam’s “Balaha”. #FreeGalal!

#FreeGalal #PrisonersofBalaha Read the press release Arabic (Pdf) After the release of Ramy Essam’s latest song and music video Balaha, the author of the lyrics Galal El-Behairy was arrested, beaten and tortured. A warrant for the arrest of Ramy Essam … Continue reading
New AR-Resident Mai Khoi, hosted at the AR-Safe Haven Helsinki

We are happy to welcome Mai Khoi, the flamboyant Vietamese pop-star, as our new short-term resident at AR-Safe Haven Helsinki. Mai Khoi gained a reputation as a singer and musician, and became internationally recognized as a human rights, LGBTI+ and … Continue reading