Pluriculturalism in Contemporary Art and Culture
Moderna Museet, Malmö in partnership with Perpetuum Mobilε and the City of Malmö, Culture Department
Curated by Ivor Stodolsky and Marita Muukkonen (Perpetuum Mobilε) with Timea Junghaus (in rotating order)
The Outside Insiders project at Moderna Museet, Malmö is being launched with a series of workshops co-organised with Senija Vurzer and Fredrik Elg of the City of Malmö, Culture Department
October 7, 2014
Who are the Roma people? – Ko si e Roma ?
Workshop I will briefly discuss the history of the largest minority in Europe: the Roma (Roma, Gypsies, Travelers, Kale, Sinti, Gitanos, Romanichal, etc.). It explores the current political, economic and cultural situation of European Roma with a special focus on Roma life in the Nordic countries. The introductory speeches and keynote will trace the impact of the critical theoretical turns (the cultural turn, feminist turn, postcolonial studies, cultural studies, holocaust studies, medial turn, multi- and pluriculturalism etc.) and their significance to Roma discourse. A non-verbal break in the discussion will be provided by a mythical cinematic history of the Roma people, the silver-screen classic Lacho Drom by Tony Gatlif. The concluding panel discussion will examine how this relates to the development of (self-) organization, academic research, representation, art and politics of Roma in Europe.
3.30pm Introduction to the workshop series by Senija Vurzer and Fredrik Elg.
National and a local perspectives.
3.50 Introduction to the Outside Insiders project by the Curators Marita Muukkonen, Ivor Stodolsky and Tímea Junghaus.
Coffee Break
4.30 Film Screening: Latcho Drom (1993) by Tony Gatlif
Introduction to the film by Ivor Stodolsky
6.10pm Keynote by Tímea Junghaus
6.30pm Panel discussion:
The speakers above, and
John Peter Nilsson
Renata Anderssen
Dušan Marinkovic
Moderated by Marita Muukkonen and Ivor Stodolsky
Renata Anderssen Malmö Roma Knowledge Centre
Fredrik Elg International coordinator and project manager, City of Malmö Culture Department
Tímea Junghaus Art historian, Roma activist
Marita Muukkonen Curator, Director of Perpetuum Mobilε.
John Peter Nilsson Director, Moderna Museet, Malmö
Ivor Stodolsky Curator, Theorist, Director of Perpetuum Mobilε
Senija Vurzer Project assistant, City of Malmö culture department
Dušan Marinkovic Roma activist and rap artist