On the 15th of February, Pınar Ögrenci held a MOBILE TALK at HAM, Helsinki Art Museum, chaired by Marita Muukkonen and Ivor Stodolsky of Perpetuum Mobilε. For information about the artist and the talk see here.
A selection of photographs from the Mobile Talk:

Marita Mukkonnen with Pınar Öğrenci

Ivor Stodolsky and Pınar Öğrenci

Ivor Stodolsky introducing the MOBILE TALK

Prof. Ray Langenbach of the Theatre Academy (University of the Arts, Finland) listens as Öğrenci responds to his question.
Photos courtesy of PM.
For further information please contact:
[email protected]
Tel. +358 440 965 103
Pınar Öğrenci is resident at the AR-Safe Haven Helsinki until the 22nd February and is scheduled to return in autumn 2017. In spring, Pinar will be the first resident of AR-Safe Haven Athens, a part of the AR platform which Perpetuum Mobile is developing in the context of the Athens Biennial. This residency is funded by Re-Build Refuge Europe, a new PM cooperation with European Alternatives funded by the Creative Europe programme of the EU. Pınar Öğrenci is a resident of Safe Haven Helsinki, curated by Perpetuum Mobile, and co-organized by PM and HIAP – Helsinki International Artist Programme.
Safe Haven Helsinki is a node in the
ARTISTS at RISK (AR) network platform:
AR is a Perpetuum Mobilization
Co-Funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union