Welcoming Dılşa Perinçek at the Saari Residence
Dılşa Perinçek is a writer, cartoonist, digital artist, and electronic musician from Diyarbakır. Perinçek studied Radio, Cinema and Television at Marmara University – Communication Faculty, İstanbul from 2012 – 2016, having previously studied Ancient Languages at Ankara University.
She has extensive experience in communication and the arts, working across varied disciplines including writing, media and communication technologies. In 2016 Perinçek produced several cartoon films for Kurdish children.
Perinçek’s research focuses on the impact of new technological productions on society focusing on the interplay between new technological usages and an as yet only imagined future.
In Saari, Dılşa will focus on reading, research and experiments in digital technologies in order to refine her mode of expression. In the rural setting of the Saaari residency Perinçek intends to take advantage of her proximity to nature.

“Visiting the beautiful winter wonderland at Saari Residence in Mynämäki where PM’s new MOBILE Resident Dilsa Perinçek has arrived!”
This MOBILE Residency is a cooperation between Saaren kartano – Saari residence, Saastamoinen Foundation and Perpetuum Mobile (PM) — with Leena Kela, Marja Karttunen, Marita Muukkonen, Ivor Stodolsky and Dilsa Perencek at Saaren kartano – Saari residence.”
Dılşa Perinçek is a MOBILE-Resident at Saari Residence / Saastamoinen Foundation Residency.
The MOBILE Saari Residence/Saastamoinen Foundation Residency is a Perpetuum Mobile-run residency programme which includes two months at the Kone Foundation‘s Saari Residence, followed by a one-month stay in Helsinki in co-operation with the Saastamoinen Foundation. In Helsinki, MOBILE-Residents are co-hosted by PM-Perpetuum Mobile and HIAP-Helsinki International Artist Programme. All MOBILE Residencies are curated by PM-Perpetuum Mobile.