PRESS: YLE (Finnish State Broadcaster) Interview with AR-Safe Haven Helsinki artist Shieko Reto
Source: Kun oma maa ei anna turvaa – Suomenlinnan ainutlaatuinen taiteilijaresidenssi suo vainotuille hetken hengähdystauon Ratsiat ja vaino kotimaassa toivat malesialaisen transsukupuolisen kuvataiteilijan Helsinkiin. Shieko Reto pääsi Suomenlinnan turvaresidenssiin tammikuussa. 3.2.2017 klo 13:17päivitetty 3.2.2017 klo 15:20 Shieko Reto on … Continue reading
PLURIversity: “Gender: Human” by Shieko Reto at the Nordic Culture Point

A learning-by-doing platform which brings together a plurality of individuals, cultures and traditions, the PLURIversity cross-seeds artistic, P2P and social imaginaries to develop new pedagogies, skills and solutions for a diverse, pluricultural future. Forming a part of the faculty of … Continue reading
SHIEKO RETO – Long-term resident Artist at Risk at Safe Haven Helsinki

We are very pleased to announce that today Shieko Reto is taking up residency at the first 1-year resident Artist at Risk (AR) at Safe Haven Helsinki. Shieko Reto is a visual artist and activist from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, whose … Continue reading
PRESS: The PLURIversity
TEXT re: A “université populaire” and school of the arts, the PLURIversity cross-seeds artistic, P2P and social imaginaries to develop new pedagogies, skills and solutions for a diverse, pluricultural future. source: THE PLURIVERSITY IS A PERPETUUM MOBILIZATION. PERPETUUM MOBILE … Continue reading
Ramy Essam back in Finland at Safe Haven Helsinki

Safe Haven Helsinki, curated by Perpetuum Mobile (AR-Artists at Risk), is very happy to welcome Ramy Essam back to the city! The Egyptian musician is already known to Finnish audiences from his participation in PM’s #TSQ2 project for Checkpoint Helsinki, … Continue reading
PM wins EU Grant for “Re-build Refuge Europe” with European Alternatives, bringing AR to Berlin and Athens
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Safe Haven Helsinki wins Annual Art Act award !

We are honoured to have received the Annual Art Act award, chosen by rap-star Paperi T from a short-list prepared by a jury of leading figures from the Finnish institutional art world. The jury was chaired by Raija Koli, the Director … Continue reading
Documentation: MOBILE TALK by Erkan Özgen

at the Helsinki Art Museum on the 30th of August, 2016. Chaired by Perpetuum Mobilε (Marita Muukkonen and Ivor Stodolsky). For information about the artist and the talk see: [AFG_gallery id=’10’] Photos courtesy of Kalle Kuisma and Eleni … Continue reading
MOBILE TALK by Erkan Özgen

at the Helsinki Art Museum on the 30th of August See photos, video and audio of the event. Erkan Özgen is a pioneer of video art from the Kurdish area of Turkey, with a distinguished record of exhibitions and … Continue reading

After plenty of small steps the events and workshops of the PLURIVERSITY 2016 are underway! The PLURIversity is initially intended for its participants – and that’s potentially anyone, and youth in particular – rather than an art audience, or any … Continue reading