RE-ALIGNED ART, Tromsø, Norway
RE-ALIGNED ART from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus at Tromsø Kunstforening and throughout the city of Tromsø Curated by Ivor Stodolsky and Marita Muukkonen of Perpetuum Mobilε Culminating Exhibition on Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian Art: RE-ALIGNED ART at Tromsø Kunstforening … Continue reading
Grey Violet (Voina)
Grey Violet (b.1986) is libertarian, art and queer activist and publicist. It took part in various activities in particular in actions of Voina group, in radical queer activism, anarchist and libertarian activism of various kinds. It has co- authored(with A.D. … Continue reading
AN INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF ACTIVIST ART A JOINT PROJECT OF MEDIA IMPACT AND THE RE-ALIGNED PROJECT in MURMANSK 18-22 June, 2013 Participants Arch, artist, activist (Murmansk) Alexander Delphinov, poet, journalist (Moscow, Berlin) Tatiana Kulbakina, journalist, activist (Murmansk) Victoria Lomasko, … Continue reading
The Perm Portfolio Review was organised by Perm the Art-residence for the curators of the RE-ALIGNED project. A large number of Perm-based artists joined a presentation of the RE-ALIGNED project and discussed their work at the portfolio review. Alex Vens … Continue reading
AFTER THE PREFIX “POST-“, St. Petersburg
Philosophical Café on the RE-ALIGNED ART PROJECT: Talk and Discussion at GEZ21 (Gallery of Experimental Sound, Арт Центр Пушкинская) in St. Petersburg Лекция : После приставки «пост» Рассматривается международный арт-проект Re-aligned art («Ре-ангажированное искусство»), включающий проведение конференций и выставок в … Continue reading

NON-ALIGNED Lost Notes from the Underground RE-ALIGNED …and into the fire. Curated by Ivor Stodolsky and Marita Muukkonen of Perpetuum Mobile Vernissage April 27th, 2012 at 17.00 another vacant space. (event on facebook) NON-ALIGNED Lost Notes from the Underground Locked … Continue reading
Street Art Assembly at the 2nd Urals Industrial Biennale
The Ekaterinburg STREET ARTS ASSEMBLY is an urban exploration, a mobile debate and guide to the poetry and politics of the street-art scene. 14 September 2012 at approx. 14:45-16:15. Starting place: In front of Ural University, 51 Lenin Prospect, … Continue reading
Paths Crossing Workshop
Paths Crossing Workshop: 15–17.12.2011, HIAP Suomenlinna, Gallery Augusta, Helsinki, Finland The Paths Crossing workshop took place on the island of Suomenlinna, Helsinki December 15–17, 2011. Participants presented and discussed their ongoing practice in a variety of formats, including one-to-one consultations, … Continue reading
RE-PUBLIC at Urb Festival, Kiasma Theatre, Helsinki
RE-PUBLIC Russian Art in the Streets July 29- August 15, 2013 (See the full programme nearer the bottom of this page) Curated by Marita Muukkonen and Ivor Stodolsky of Perpetuum Mobilε A part of the international project: RE-ALIGNED … Continue reading
The 4th Roma Pavilion: SAFE EUROPEAN HOME? Berlin

Opening 31 May, 2013 at 7 pm at the .CHB, Berlin SAFE EUROPEAN HOME? Berlin By Delaine Le Bas and Damian Le Bas (concept) Curated by Ivor Stodolsky With contributions by Gabi Jiminez and other artists and activists. This outdoor … Continue reading