AR-Safe Haven Helsinki Resident Gule Özalp at the Eläintarha Villa

We are happy to announce the arrival of AR-Resident Gule ÖZALP ULUSOY. She is staying at the Eläintarha Villa from the 3rd February to 1st May, hosted by AR-Safe Haven Helsinki. BIO Gule’s family are from the Elbistan village of … Continue reading
AR-Safe Haven Helsinki Resident Kemal Ulusoy at the Eläintarhan Villa

We are happy to announce the arrival of AR-Resident Kemal ULOSOY. He is staying at Eläintarha Villa from the 3rd of February to the 1st of May, hosted by the AR-Safe Haven Helsinki. BIO Kemal was born on February … Continue reading
PM withdraws from the initiative for a biennial in Lagos
August 11, 2017 Over the last few weeks, the initiative for a biennial in Lagos has faced a growing lack of integrity and security. Basic principles were undermined by unsavoury decisions PM would not have deemed acceptable under any other … Continue reading
Saari Residence joins Perpetuum Mobile’s Artists-at-Risk Platform
Kone Foundation’s Saari Residence, which hosts artists and academics, is joining the Artists at Risk (AR) platform for visual art practitioners coordinated and curated by Perpetuum Mobile. The first pilot residency of three months in autumn 2017, will consist of … Continue reading
MOBILE TALK: Pınar Ögrenci at HAM

See documentation of the event here Pınar Öğrenci is an artist and writer based in Istanbul. Her MOBILE TALK at the Helsinki Art Museum (HAM) will offer the audience an overview of her prolific artistic production and activist practices. The … Continue reading
SHIEKO RETO – Long-term resident Artist at Risk at Safe Haven Helsinki

We are very pleased to announce that today Shieko Reto is taking up residency at the first 1-year resident Artist at Risk (AR) at Safe Haven Helsinki. Shieko Reto is a visual artist and activist from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, whose … Continue reading

After plenty of small steps the events and workshops of the PLURIVERSITY 2016 are underway! The PLURIversity is initially intended for its participants – and that’s potentially anyone, and youth in particular – rather than an art audience, or any … Continue reading
Erkan Özgen, Kurdish artist from Eastern Turkey, is the latest PM/HIAP Safe Haven Helsinki resident at Suomenlinna.

PM is proud to announce that Erkan Özgen is going to be a Safe Haven Helsinki resident from June 27 until September 10, 2016. The Safe Haven Helsinki acts as a “breather” for the Kurdish artist from Amed (Diyarbakir in … Continue reading
Perpetuum Mobile / Artists at Risk WINS the EUROPEAN CITIZEN’S PRIZE

Perpetuum Mobilε is delighted to reveal that PM’s Artists at Risk (AR) platform has been awarded the EUROPEAN CITIZEN’S PRIZE of the European Parliament! A Finnish press event will take place on July 1st at 9.30 am at the European … Continue reading
Artists at Risk (AR) Nominated for EUROPEAN CITIZEN’S PRIZE!
Perpetuum Mobilε is delighted to announce that PM’s Artists at Risk (AR) platform has been nominated for the European Parliament’s EUROPEAN CITIZEN’S PRIZE! Here an excerpt from the commendatory text to the Prize Chancellery of the “Civi Europaeo Praemium” (’_Prize): … Continue reading